Wednesday, January 31, 2007

New shelving for class sets
It's taken a while but it's great to see that the shelving has been set up and the class sets now have "a pride of place". Now the task of moving the non-fiction collection (and then incorporating the children's non-fiction). Sounds like fun - let's do it!
Teacher resources were moved out of The Keep freeing up some much needed space (and we were able to set up some shelving which has been put to good use). Other changes to the layout of library (particularly school use areas) has put us in a good position for the start of the school year.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Self service holds
Yep! we're taking the plunge and will trial self service holds during the school holidays (and then see how they go once school is back). So far it's looking good but we need to ensure that all library users are supported in the use of the new system. Hopefully, once they are familiar with the system it will prove to be the most effective way of delivering holds. Time will tell.

Friday, January 05, 2007

A New Year!...
It's hard to believe but it is a new year. 2007. What will it bring? No doubt more challenges, changes and excitement as we plunge headlong into the new year and beyond.
With the resignation of the library manager there will be someone new at the helm this year. What direction will they take us? Who will stay and who will 'abandon ship'? Well, we'll have to put all this speculation to one side as we prepare for the start of the new school year. No dobt there will be more that enough to do to keep our minds focused on tasks at hand. All hands to the oars!