Friday, February 22, 2008

job done...
all the public areas have been completed (re-carpeted) and everything is back in place - but there's more...
we have found out that all of the library will be re-carpeted (this includes the utility rooms AND the staff work room).

Thursday, February 21, 2008

hey! new carpet...
we are now at the end of day three of this four day project and I am happy to report that we are on schedule. Only one more day and we should be done.
...and what's it like?
It's quite a dramatic change but I guess that's to be expected when you change a worn, grey carpet with something that's got colour.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

sans carpet...
the carpet replacement has commenced! There were some concerns about 'difficulties' in removing the old carpet but it came off easily. The lifting of the shelves (with the books still on them) is working well and we are on target with our time-line.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Yep! we're closed...
well, we will be - from Tuesday 19th to Friday 22nd the library will be closed for an 'interior upgrade' (read - new carpet).
After 10 long years of wear and tear, punishing book trolley manoeuvres, student shenanigans ('yeah, that Nutella™ sure had us fooled'), little 'accidents' and dragging of furniture, it's finally time for replacement.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The first week of school was OK, the second was a bit rough and the third has started like a bomb! But that's OK because we are Tough Guys (and I use the term 'guys' liberally to cover both genders). We are strong and resilient and, of course, sincere - which got me thinking...
how are we coming across? do the students think we are power hungry library dictators, ruling the library with an iron fist, divorced of any feeling or understanding?
...and then I read an article on 'the power of pink' and how wearing this colour subconsciously influences others positively on the sincerity of your actions.
I know we are sincere but I'm thinking why don't we use this information to our advantage....TOUGH GUYS WEAR PINK!