Monday, July 31, 2006

...the collection keeps moving
this time the Crime/Suspence collection has weaved its way around the corner and increased in size. This should keep the readers of this collection very happy! But Angela isn't happy with a single move of the collection...Nooooooooo! So we dragged the spinners to their new locations (to a number of different positions) until it all looked great. Then the reader information display board was reorganised and refreshed with a simple but effective display on a table. This, combined with the recent genre changes has meant that our customers need assistance (at times) to find the location of books they are after. Staff have provided this assistance but we probably need to clearly advertise changes to ensure that we provide the support our customers need.
The air con was finally fixed in The Keep and the ITC (but it took all week). The upside being that people are now comfortable in those areas and we can retun to 'business as usual'. The week ended with a report to police about damage done to the aerials on the roof (someones been on the roof again) which has resulted in no off-air recordings until it is fixed.
Apart from some minor issues it's been a good first week back for the school and it's good to see that we are on track to meet the challenges ahead.

Friday, July 21, 2006

finally, the CKI function is operational in the Keep. We have already tried a number of different setups and I'm sure that we will try a few more before we are happy with it. The good news is that it is up and running. check out the colour of the wall
Nathan started this week, so at last we have a full team. We took advantage of the current situation and had our team planning day on Thursday with a lovely lunch at Pt Noarlunga to end off the session.
Everyone was busy during the week preparing for the return of school, delivering programs and getting used to the 'new' way of doing things. Moving the CKI function to the Keep has resulted in a dramatic change at the circulation desk and left us considering what further changes need to be implemented (and in what order).
...and if that wasn't enough, Angela also arranged for the fiction collection to be arranged by genre, the fiction spinners to be moved (yeah, that was fun!) and the expansion of the crime collection. Thanks to the efforts of all staff, this was achieved at a speed that surprised all of us!
Lots of other good stuff happened during the week but with the speed of the changes they are all history now. I'm off for some rest - zzzzzzzzzzz!

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Cat was not in the Hat...he was in the library!
School holidays and the attention was on programs that the library was to deliver (for children). We had a very good entertaining cat...a cat with stories and fun!...and we hope he comes back.
A fair amount of the week was spent in maintenance work, preparing The Keep for the CKI function, and planning further changes to be implemented during the school holidays.
Gus was here for his first full week, Kelly was on leave and preparations are under way for Nathan's commencement next week. A good week for catch-up, making changes and yummy chocolate cake!

Monday, July 10, 2006

...last week of school!
Not only was it the last week of Term II, but we had the return of Victoria (from long term leave) and the arrival of the new School Services Librarian, Gus. It was also the last week at work for our dear cleaner, Dot!
The week went pretty smoothly with relatively steady levels of activity (except for the last day which seemed to drag on....).
A group used the newly revamped meeting room for the first time this week for 'census training', and the feedback from them was very positive.
We will use the school break to prepare for the next term and to consolidate the new team (with another new team member to join us in a weeks' time).

Monday, July 03, 2006

We're fenced in!
The school perimeter fence was installed this week creating access bedlam (in the eyes of some students). Actually, it went rather smoothly although some students wanted to test the resolve of some teachers and library staff by doing the wrong thing ("Why can't we cut through the library to go to McDonalds?").
The new screen and ceiling mounted data projector were installed in the meeting room, completing the changes there. And the modified wall in the new CKI room got a lick of paint (in a most interesting colour).
Nancy's last day as a contracted full-time employee was celebrated with a farewell lunch and there was a final scurry to complete the changes in the workroom prior to Victoria's return and Gus' start (next week). Next week is the last for term 2 and we look forward to the breakkkk.