Friday, October 28, 2016

reading challenge, school event, repairs and new equipment

Jasper was the first to complete the reading challenge - 1001 Books Before School.
Jasper is 2 years old and loves listening to stories.

getting ready for the Transition parent information evening

starting on the repair to the air conditioning repair

our new 'resurfacer' arrives!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

school holidays

It was a busy 2 weeks of school holiday activities, book sale and exhibits.

A highlight was the Chemical Catastrophe Show, and we had Flashy Wearables, Coding Fun and Lego.

And who could resist the wonder of chicks hatching!

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

a week of weather

This week has been all about the weather - it's been raining a lot! The library has held up well (no leaks reported) but there has been disruption.

The visitors guide roadshow display went up early in the week

we did have the Aboriginal community expo planned - but it was cancelled due to the weather.
We had the iProject displayed in the library (due to the weather) and there was a good crowd in attendance.

we then had a power outage and subsequent library closure.
Things were back to normal the next day.

Friday saw us get books from storage for the Spring Book Sale!