Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas...
we have reached the end of another year (2007) and it has been, well...interesting!
It has been a successful year in terms of meeting our goals and targets and the team has worked successfully to ensure high customer satisfaction. We have been without a library manager during the year which made things difficult (we lost our 'mojo'), but we have survived!
We ended the year with our traditional Christmas lunch for library staff, Friends of the library, volunteers and others who have provided support throughout the year.
We look forward to the New Year and the challenges it will present and plan to develop and improve our services, facilities and most importantly, ourselves...let's have a fun year... a great 2008!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Community info display...
They said it would be installed before Christmas...and they were right! (just).
It's big, it's black and it has lots of slats but we will have to wait until the New Year before we have the required brochure holders. Until then we will have this hulking monolith standing conspicuously in the library as a constant reminder of the things to come...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Shabby Chic?...
Gone! the industrial shelving; the lockers; the assortment of staff desks; and the clutter.
This is the new look for the collections area of the work room (with a Wow! factor of 10).

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New fridge...
She's tall, she's quiet and she's so... cool!
Thanks to the 'Friends of the library' we now have our new fridge installed and ready to chill. No more fighting for space in that tiny 'thing' we used to have. Or looking for something in the ice box that was always 'iced over'.
And check out the groovy ice cube making gizmo - now that's cool!

Friday, December 07, 2007

a BIG week...
A week of celebrating our 10 year anniversary has come to an end. There were activities, balloons, cake and giveaways to celebrate this milestone. We also took the opportunity to thank our volunteers on Wednesday with a special morning tea that we shared. Then there was the launch of the new literacy kits and the storytime quilt made by our volunteers.
Lots of happy customers, a good celebration and exhausted staff (but we had our cake - and ate it!).