Saturday, February 17, 2007

sign, sign, everywhere a sign...
but it's no good if the sign is wrong - so, we've corrected the access hours signs at both entrances and given them a coloured background. Now you can actually see the information on the signs!
And the moving of the ANF collection continues...
another row completed and we are about half way.
The stock-take/audit has commenced and we will have to rally for volunteers to work on a Sunday to finish the bigger collections. That should be fun!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Week 1 of school...expecting and downs...high expectations...speedy needs to be done...

luckily we're pretty cool cats that can handle the rush and the crush - we can handle the stress and the occasional mauling. And surprisingly, before you know it, we've reached the end of the week!
And IT WASN'T TOO BAD, in fact we all did pretty well (although someone did fall over a crate) ...don't worry! they're OK!