Help... we need to choose the colour of the new carpet at Seaford (and that's harder than shaving your legs with a blunt razor - so I hear), so help us - take the poll!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Finished... The building extension has been completed! From the public side it looks completed and the children's area has been rearranged to utilize its new shape. The door glass and the external windows will be coated with a film (soon) to increase privacy. Then we move on to the internal redesign. In the meantime we have the new carpet to consider.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The building extension has started... The long awaited extension to the staff kitchen/lunch room has commenced and is progressing quickly. So far it looks great giving us a significant increase in room size. In just a couple of days the building work will be completed and we then move on to the next stage - kitchen layout redesign.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Compactus...going, going, gone! In preparation of the building changes to the staff lunch room (to start next week) we have moved the compactus (which has found a new home in the school). It was a big effort to remove all the stationery (and other assorted goodies) and to find a new temporary home for them. All done now though and now we eagerly await the construction to commence.