the wall gets a paint job... the weather may not have been too flash but that didn't stop the painter putting on a coat of paint and patching up the cracks. Don't like the colour? Don't worry - it's only the undercoat!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Friday 20 June - Gus' last day... it's a wrap! There was lunch, there was a card, there was a gift and there were farewells... and he was gone! On his way to the Gold Coast, a new library job and a fresh start. Good Luck Gus!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
facade clean-up... there have been a number of graffiti attacks earlier this year that have left the library's facade looking...well...less than attractive. But now we have the clean-up happening and the results are quite dramatic (compare the cleaned area with the band that has not been done). This is stage one with a second clean to be done soon. There is a facade replacement planned for the next financial year (for the dark blue panels) which should restore the building to it's original high quality look.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
vinyl flooring is down... it's taken a very long time but finally the vinyl flooring has been laid in the staff tea/lunch room. The time this has taken to complete was unbelievable and has stalled all progress to finish works in this area - but now we can continue! Yay!