The recladding began in vain today. The old panels were removed from one section at the front of the library (revealing her beautiful bones). A new panel arrived for fixing but... no go! At the end of the day the poor old girl was left... exposed!
We have changed the layout of the children's library to accommodate the new sports equipment (now available for loan). The toys and sports equipment (all for loan) are now together and this collection will now be called the recreation library!
Work on the library's building facade commenced today with the builders erecting the scaffolding and removing a panel. This will allow them to see how the panels were fastened to the building and to plan their approach to this task (with the new panels).
That's new shelving behind the sports equipment, where we are now storing paper and toner. There is additional shelving in the secure store and more shelving awaiting construction (that will be used in the children's library).
It's early Thursday morning and Max from the cleaning firm is 'at it' with the furniture and rugs in the Children's library. Soon it will be 'clean and dry' and ready for the wild rumpus to begin...bring on those wild things!
New Slatwall TM shelving has been installed in the children's library (replacing the older steel bookshelves). It looks great and the acrylic DVD/CD holders are much safer and easier to access!