Library and information week has almost come to an end for us (at Seaford). We had the National simultaneous story-time event, library trail and word of mouth program (to promote it). It was fairly low key (for us), with the main event at Noarlunga library last Friday (and probably just as well with the number of staff we had available...)
The '24 photos in 24 hours' photographic competition entries are up on display in the library. Now all customers of the library have an opportunity to vote for their favourite!
History Week events begin at the library today and continue into the week ahead. Now all we have to do is put in place the Library Trail activity together with the 'History of Winemaking' information, and we're set...
Our new team member Rachel commenced yesterday and is undergoing her 'induction'. Now, when the rest of the staff come back from leave we will have our full compliment!