Check-in room closer to completion!It's been another busy week and Dean has been working hard to complete the CKI room. The glass has been installed in the foyer, the wall painted and the internal cladding completed (apart from painting).
Toy shelving has been purchased and constructed by Ross. It looks great and we think we have room to add another bay along the wall.
May was very busy and we have recorded our highest monthly door count ever - 23, 862!Seaford staff attended Mandatory Notification Training (all day at the Adelaide Sailing Club-great venue) so we now have updated skills and knowledge in this area.
Last week was Reconciliation Week and the school had a great performer in the library giving students a great cultural perspective of what the week means.
PixiFoto was on site delivering their program of portrait photography and raising the profile of libraries and we had the regular range of activities and services...
We are still in recruiting mode and hopefully we will soon have a full complement of permanent staff to ensure that we can continue to deliver the range of services, programs and activities that we would like to see in the library. Ciao for now!