Friday, February 03, 2006

It was the first week of school and this is what happened:
John got really excited (and this was good because we don't like to see him grumpy).
The week started off being very busy and the 'busyness' just kept going. We had lots of casual staff to support us and through our efforts we were able to meet the demands of the staff and students (not to mention the community).
We moved the photocopiers to a new location (closer to the PAC's) and created the illusion that we had increased the Teenage Study/Lounge area (to the delight of some students). Students were also very happy that we had reinstated the lounge, together with additional PC's installed to one counter of the circ. desk - very 'spiffy'.
The PC Reservation station was dismantled with the printer and the OCR reader going to SCKO3 (allowing printing at that PC). All OPACs were converted to be able to be used as on-line PC booking stations. We're still ironing out the bugs but we will trial it for a while to see how it goes.
To finish off the week Albert, Bridget and Trish went to the school staff room to help teaching staff celebrate the 'first week' and boy! were the Margarita's good!

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